this might sounds like a stupid question, but for #9, listing 2 learning disabilities. Can they be any kind of learning disabilities or do they need to be what we've discussed recently?
Language & Communication Fall 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
#2 on exam
While it may be lack of sleep...questions one and two are not sinking in at all. I know they aren't hard but I'm just not getting it. Specifically on #2, what do you think she's looking for? Do you think I'm supposed to say something like "the students can use it for listening to books they need to take AR tests on"??
Friday, November 16, 2012
Take a look at the site I posted. This is a key service for ppl who are deaf. The FCC is considering changes that would dramatically alter the way VRS (Video Relay Services) works and put many of the companies that provide this service out of business.
Save my VRS
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Guest Speakers
Listening and watching Jenna and Matt was a great experience. I love ASL. It's relaxing. After they left we began talking about the cochlear implant and it made me think of one of my favorite movies. Growing up in house with both of my parents being musicians I've seen this several times. Mr. Hollands opus. He has a son named Cole who becomes deaf, and grow up wanting to be close to his dad but he is to involved with work. I encourage you to watch this, because you can get a view of how life isn't the same for someone who isn't hearing like you and me.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Where are we supposed to respond to questions one and two? There is no room to type our answers, but the rest of the test is okay. Should we email it?
I loved having the speakers in class the other night. I do not know ASL or any other form of sign lang however it was so interesting being a part of class that night.. Also, I seem to be having anissue dloading my test.. I was wondering if anyone else was???
Monday, November 12, 2012
I absolutely loved the two speakers. Sign language amazes me. I also think that everyone should have the chance to learn it. I loved taking ASL here at eku.
Guest Speaker!
I absolutely loved having Jena and Matt in class tonight!! It made me fall in love with what i want to do even more!!!!! I hope everyone else feels the same!
Dog treats
Website with dog treat brands to avoid.
Language Project
I have two questions about the language project. I know we are to record the conversation but do we turn that in? If so I have no idea how. My second question is can we have a group of three working on this project? I am working with another girl right now but another girl would like to join our group since she was not there the first night we discussed the project in class. Thank you! :)
Guest Speakers
I thought the guest speakers were great tonight! It was very interesting hearing their story and how they made it through school. It was a great experience.
Video mentioned in class
This is the video someone in class mentioned about cochlear implants in which one of the ASL teachers shows in the 201 class.
I am so happy that I got the opportunity to hear things from their perspective! It helped me realize how they learn, and it gave me some insight for when I become a teacher. This was a great experience!
An Interesting Clip from My SED 104 Class
Today in my SED 104 class, I watched a clip about a man who was born deaf that had a cochlear implant at age 5 and how it impacted his language. From his perspective, people who are born deaf shouldn't need the implant because it destroys their identity and language because they would have to have intense speech therapy for many years and would have difficulty with developing language as a young child. For people that did have hearing, but became deaf later in life or after their language was developed could have the implant because they are likely to understand or grasp the English language or any verbal language easier because they had some form of language developed at a young age versus those who were born deaf. I thought it was an interesting clip, wouldn't anyone else agree?
I am very excited about tonights class, and the two guest speakers that we are having!! I look forward to hearing what they have to say!
I am very excited for class tonight! I love hearing about the Deaf Culture! It's a culture completely different than mine and yours and it is just amazing.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Interesting Article
Hey guys!
I saw on my local news about how early intervention techniques may change the outcomes of a child with autism. I wasn't sure how I felt about how the article was written, or how autism was portrayed.
What do you guys think?
Thought you all might enjoy this :)
Monday, November 12 - GUESTS
We will have two Deaf Adults, a married couple, joining us in class to share their experiences growing up Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Read the section in chapter 11 on Deafness to be more prepared to ask questions about their experiences. Feel free to post ideas and questions here in preparation.
Rude Candy Machine
I went to a store in my hometown this weekend and seen that they had a candy machine that looked to be very old. On the front it stated that all proceeds of the machine go to a foundation for "mentally retarded individuals." I remember we talked about Rosa's Law in class changing that term to "individuals with intellectual disabilities." I thought that it would be best for them to take the sticker off of it or change the label to make it correct. I notice these kinds of things much more than I did before taking this class. Just a thought.
Above I have attached a link to an informative web page that gives a
variety of interactive online whiteboards and activities for children with
special needs. I always enjoy finding interactive games and tutorials for
children with special needs. There is some really neat stuff out there these
days! Enjoy!! :)