Good Luck on Finals Week!
I can't believe the semester ends next week! I hope everyone does well on their finals and have a wonderful Christmas break and happy holidays!! :)
I can't believe the semester ends next week! I hope everyone does well on their finals and have a wonderful Christmas break and happy holidays!! :)
Please be sure to check email over the weekend and during the first part of the week. If I have questions about any of your work I am either emailing or texting - if you've been someone who's communicated with me that way throughout the semester.
I had told the class I would provide bonus points to EVERYONE for the night of the class discussion/debate. Yes, I will. Here are the guidelines.
I have really enjoyed this class with you all and I just wanted everyone to know I appreciated the comments and time spent to help each other.
I cannot find the Final Exam on Blackboard. I thought it would be under the Assessments Tab but I do not see it. Is anyone else having trouble?
I discovered tonight when counting blog posts for grades that the October posts are GONE. It must have occurred when I switched the format of the site. So, all I have is November and December posts. I'll post grades for them. If I've missed someone's let me know!
Would someone be kind enough to send me any handouts we received in class on Monday and the one got on 11-26?
I wasn't able to make it to class Monday night, is there anything I missed? Also, does anyone know when our final will be posted?
Today at work, I couldn't help but realize how many different types of language kids use! I was sitting there at work analyzing everything the kids said. I really enjoyed the language project!
Last week in class, I said that I have had several concussions that have affected me severely over the years. I've had a totally of 5 altogether but only 2 were extremely major. Because of the two severe ones, I have a really difficult time remember and processing things. I think that teachers need to consider that children have difficulties after having TBI.
Last week I realized how little I knew about Cerebral Palsy. This is one of the main reasons I have really enjoyed this class. It's not that we are learning the same thing over and over again, but we are building on what we already know. I feel like I will leave this class with a broader knowledge on special education.
today at the daycare, i had a litte girl pick up a block and start to talk on it like a cell phone. She was saying different things such as "I need a vacation from all this work" or " when do we have to pay that bill!?" i also heard this one " You better act good or your gonna be in trouble!" This just shows how much language a child can pick from their adult peers at 3 years old!!
Is anyone with me when i say that this dead week is really "death week" SO MUCH TO DO!!!!
If anyone remembers my post from a while ago, I had mentioned the child in my daycare who had spoken nothing but spanish. He now has a sort of variety of language and his words are getting clear. he adds more and more communication everyday and its awesome to see!
I can honestly say i really enjoyed doing the language project. I work in a daycare so i am surrounded by a variety of language everyday. I liked how the language project made me analyize the pragmatics of a conversation and how much the child uses these different elements in the conversation
I FINALLY figured out everything to log back on here. It was such a struggle! So therefore i have to catch back up on these posts so be ready for my name to pop up alot!
My mother in law is a teacher here in Pulaski County where I live and one of her students had a really bad ATV wreck here a few months ago. She was just now able to come back to school and my mother in law was talking about how she had lost some of her short term memory, and how she had a traumatic brain injury. After class last week I knew exaclty how the girl must feel and some of the things that she must be going through.
After I submitted my Language Project on Friday night it felt like a huge weight was lifted, and then Mrs. White sent us an email stating that they had all been turned in!!! Yay for all of us!!!!! :)
Test 3 are now all graded. I apologize that it took me longer to get all of these completed. I will begin grading Projects and will submit them one by one to you as I complete them rather than wait and return them ALL as I did with Observations and Reading Responses.