Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Observation

I observed a first grade classroom yesterday. When the teacher was giving the spelling test to the students, the teacher would sound each spelling word out a couple times. This helps the students retain the words, increase vocabulary, and being able to pronounce the words correctly. This kind of reminded me of when we did an activity of sounding our names out using the pheomes at the beginning of the semester.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Language Project

I have recorded my language project and am in the process of transcribing.  I have 1 hour and 17 minutes, and it has taken me 10 minutes to successfully transcribe 2 1/2 minutes.  It is a bit tedious, how is everyone else doing with the project thus far?

Observation Clarification

Your observation assignment is NOT due on Monday, October 29th.  I will go over how to ensure that your report is written to address the rubric and to maximize your learning for this assignment.

The report/assignment will be due by Friday, November 2nd, prior to you leaving for Fall Break.

Questions - post them here to the blog or txt me.

Mrs. White

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Observation Report

Does anyone know if the observation report is due on Monday? I've been hearing mixed things.

Cute Picture!

I wanted to share this picture with you all. I'm just REALLY in love with it. Too cute!

Observation report

I should probably already know this but, do we submit our reports electronically on Black Board or hand turn them in? Thanks!

DO2LEARN: Interactive Games for Children with Special Needs

[DO2LEARN] Games for Children with Special Needs LINK

  Hey Everyone!
      I found this website with online interactive games for children with special needs. The games vary in subject and activities, but they all seem fun and very educational. Games like this can be a great way to have a break through with children using technology. Check it out! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A moving letter about using the word "retarded"

This is not about politics, but I found this letter so moving about how hurtful words can be.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Arthur Cartoon explains Dyslexia

Hello class. Im not ashamed to say I still love the Marc Brown Arthur books and I even more love watching it with my nephew on TBS. On Youtube I found the episode explaining Dyslexia. Here's the link! Enjoy!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Observation Report

Hey guys!

I didn't get to come to class today because I am sick :( I was dissappointed to miss the debate!

Is there a set time we need to observe for our observation report?


Jesus Prom 2012

I recently was introduced to this event, and immediately felt drawn to it. So, this past weekend I signed up to be a volunteer as an escort and I am thrilled! I wanted to share it with you all so that you can have the chance as well!

Bronchitis?! Ain't nobody got time for that!

Just a good laugh...

Make sure you watch it all the way through.

The Benefits of Evidence Based Observations - Finding Common Ground - Education Week

The Benefits of Evidence Based Observations - Finding Common Ground - Education Week

Class "Debate"

As I've mentioned we are going to have a "debate" in class tonight.  It will be more of a Team Discussion than a debate as the questions aren't as controversial as what they could be.  I've uploaded the questions and the debate format schedule in the Weekly Resources section of Blackboard. 

Reviewing the questions there would be a great way to prepare for the debate - I mean knowing the questions ahead of time - HOW EASY DOES THAT MAKE IT!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Powerpoint for Conducting MLU

Hi Y'all!! I have attached a helpful website that includes a powerpoint on how to conduct a MLU. This really helped me to break down everything, and answered alot of my questions about the rules for MLU and how to count morphemes, etc. I hope this helps!! :) POWERPOINT LINK (MLU)

Procedures for Language Sample

Procedures for Language Sample LINK

Hey Y'all! I have attached an informative link above that lists the procedures for a Language Sample. This really helped break it down for me, and understand it better! I hope this helps you, too! :) I also used this to help me write my letter explaining the procedures for a language sample to the parents (on test #2). Good luck with your Language Sample (MLU) projects!