Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I hope everyone is doing well on their finals including our SED one, I hope everyone has a great break!! Merry Christmas:))

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

help this little boy!

Take a look at this article, it is so touching and so easy to help.

Just finished the final exam! Im pulling an all nighter becuase i have two tomorrow and then im done! I hope everyone does good on their finals!!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Good luck on finals guys!!! Do good:)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So sad that this class is over. :( Good luck to everyone on their finals!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Good Luck on Finals Week!

I can't believe the semester ends next week! I hope everyone does well on their finals and have a wonderful Christmas break and happy holidays!! :)

Check Email

Please be sure to check email over the weekend and during the first part of the week.  If I have questions about any of your work I am either emailing or texting - if you've been someone who's communicated with me that way throughout the semester.

Bonus Points

I had told the class I would provide bonus points to EVERYONE for the night of the class discussion/debate.  Yes, I will.  Here are the guidelines.  
  1. The points can be added to ANY grade EXCEPT the final (I won't have time to add it to that).
  2. The student must contact me by Sunday, 12/16 at 6 p.m. to inform me of to WHAT assignment/test they want their points added.
  3. If a student does not contact me about adding the points - they aren't added.  I will NOT be contacting individual students.  You may want to tell your friends, neighbors and classmates.
  4.  Bonus points are TRUE PERKS - GIMMES - not earned.  This announcement is placed on the CLASS BLOG that everyone has access to and should use as a means to communicate with classmates.  All ESSENTIAL and REQUIRED information I email.  This is for those of you who put forth the EXTRA EFFORT and are the nice guys and will tell your friends :-)...just the way I am.

I have really enjoyed this class with you all and I just wanted everyone to know I appreciated the comments and time spent to help each other.


Good luck on your finals everyone! Especially for this class!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Exam

I cannot find the Final Exam on Blackboard. I thought it would be under the Assessments Tab but I do not see it. Is anyone else having trouble?

Your Blog Posts!

I discovered tonight when counting blog posts for grades that the October posts are GONE.  It must have occurred when I switched the format of the site.  So, all I have is November and December posts.  I'll post grades for them.  If I've missed someone's let me know!

Mrs. White

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Would someone be kind enough to send me any handouts we received in class on Monday and the one got on 11-26?

I wasn't able to make it to class Monday night, is there anything I missed? Also, does anyone know when our final will be posted?
Thank you!

Santa and Autism :)

Interesting new school in Lexington

The Learning Center @ Linlee


Today at work, I couldn't help but realize how many different types of language kids use! I was sitting there at work analyzing everything the kids said.  I really enjoyed the language project!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Our ELE 490 class did a side project of making a parody video of the song EVERYBODY TALKS! We tied in our classroom management information that we learned this semester!! We worked really hard on it.. so CHECK IT OUT!
We ROCKED it!!

Thanks Mrs. White!! :)

    Mrs. White is such a great example of the passion we should each take with us into the teaching world! Thanks for a wonderful semester, full of fun and learning! Loved this class and everyone in it!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Last week in class, I said that I have had several concussions that have affected me severely over the years. I've had a totally of 5 altogether but only 2 were extremely major. Because of the two severe ones, I have a really difficult time remember and processing things. I think that teachers need to consider that children have difficulties after having TBI.

did anyone else find it amusing that their was "bomb threat" on campus?!

Class last week

Last week I realized how little I knew about Cerebral Palsy.  This is one of the main reasons I have really enjoyed this class.  It's not that we are learning the same thing over and over again, but we are building on what we already know.  I feel like I will leave this class with a broader knowledge on special education.

work story

today at the daycare, i had a litte girl pick up a block and start to talk on it like a cell phone. She was saying different things such as "I need a vacation from all this work" or " when do we have to pay that bill!?" i also heard this one " You better act good or your gonna be in trouble!" This just shows how much language a child can pick from their adult peers at 3 years old!!

"dead" week

Is anyone with me when i say that this dead week is really "death week" SO MUCH TO DO!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

If anyone remembers my post from a while ago, I had mentioned the child in my daycare who had spoken nothing but spanish. He now has a sort of variety of language and his words are getting clear. he adds more and more communication everyday and its awesome to see!

GiGi's Privilege

You know how obnoxious grandparents are with pictures.  I couldn't help but share this!

Language Project

I can  honestly say i really enjoyed doing the language project. I work in a daycare so i am surrounded by a variety of language everyday. I liked how the language project made me analyize the pragmatics of a conversation and how much the child uses these different elements in the conversation


I FINALLY figured out everything to log back on here. It was such a struggle! So therefore i have to catch back up on these posts so be ready for my name to pop up alot!


My mother in law is a teacher here in Pulaski County where I live and one of her students had a really bad ATV wreck here a few months ago. She was just now able to come back to school and my mother in law was talking about how she had lost some of her short term memory, and how she had a traumatic brain injury. After class last week I knew exaclty how the girl must feel and some of the things that she must be going through.

Language Project

After I submitted my Language Project on Friday night it felt like a huge weight was lifted, and then Mrs. White sent us an email stating that they had all been turned in!!! Yay for all of us!!!!! :)


Test 3 are now all graded.  I apologize that it took me longer to get all of these completed.  I will begin grading Projects and will submit them one by one to you as I complete them rather than wait and return them ALL as I did with Observations and Reading Responses.

If you have an outstanding grade where you redid an answer, a portion of the assignment or completed it later and I've not graded it please do not hesitate TO REMIND ME.  As we near the end of the semester there are several individual small tasks like that which can easily fall through the cracks.  I appreciate your patience, support and reminders.

Let me know if you have any questions about the grading on Test 3.  I'm happy to look back over any of the questions with you and listen to your thoughts about what you MEANT vs. what I understood it to say.

Mrs. White  


Tomorrow is our last class, yay! Hope everyone is having a relaxing week :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Work Hard Play Hard

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend before dead week and finals week. I know that for most people that this is the most stressful time of the semester. I hope that everyone does well on their finals. Good luck everyone!! :)

Your Posters Can Be Seen...

Trying another way for you to see them!

You can view my shared photo stream on the web:

Makin Me Crazy

Tryin to get these pictures uploaded is makin me crazy!  But here's something to make ME smile. (Yes, this is my youngest grand daughter, Niya)

Campus Wide Christmas Service

Hey everyone, I'm involved in the campus ministry known as Cru. This Thursday we are having a campus wide Christmas service for EVERYONE, all students and professors.
It is going to be held in Grise Auditorium in the Bert Combs building at 7:30 pm. Hope you all can come out and join us celebrating the true meaning of the season!

Last's weeks posters..

Is anyone posting the pictures of the posters? Or is Mrs. White posting them at a later time? Just wondering :)

Last Week!

I just wanted to wish everyone the best in these last weeks of school.  Good luck to everyone on finals and remember you made it through this semester! I hope everyone has a great Christmas break and a great spring semester to come.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Arthur explains Blindness

This is the Episode of Arthur that features a girl with Blindness. This show is great at explaining how we are all different and learn in different ways. That is what makes us all beautiful. Great Episode my niece loved it. ENJOY!

End of semester

Hope everyone will enjoy this last weekend before the real crunch time hits! Before my life gets beyond crazy with finals, and my new job I wanted to wish everyone good luck on your finals and end of semester projects.  just remember to breath and you will get through it! :)

Let's work on the Final together!

I would really like to work on the Final with a group of people, anyone interested?

Thursday, November 29, 2012


         I am feeling the stress of the end of the semester FULL FORCE, as I am sure you all are too! Hang in there! It's almost over!! :) Good Luck with final projects and finals!! :)

Including Samuel

This is a great documentary about a child with cerebral palsy. This is just a short preview but it gives you an idea of what it's like in the life of someone with it.

Man jailed for making fun of child with CP

This will make you so mad but I am glad the courts are not going to put up with it.

Mail jailed for making fun of girl with CP

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I have seen first hand how TBI can affect a person. My  best friend played soccer here at EKU until last year, when she got a serious concussions. She got kicked in the head during a practice and can never play soccer again. It's been over a year and she still has severe headaches, even when she is on medication. It's crazy to think that something like a soccer injury can change your life around.

Language Project

I love the way children think, I was working on my language project and reading over what they were saying, and it is just so cute.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tonight's Class

I really enjoyed the way we broke up into group to learn the content for tonight's lesson, it got us up and moving and I really learned a lot. I wish every class was like this! Class went by so fast tonight, thanks Professor White!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Games to help with TBI*


    Hey Y'all! I found this website that has very detailed information about games that help with specific cognitive skills. I found this very helpful and informative when reading about TBI. It is interesting to see what games help with different skills. Check it out!!

Seeking Help after a TBI*


In class, we talked about how much of an impact a TBI can have on the individual and the family. This website highlights the importance of seeking emotional support immediatly following a TBI event. This website, is linked to a specific rehab place that helps with this specific thing. I thought this was interesting!! Check it out!! :)

* TBI *


Hey Guys! Class was really interesting tonight, and I came home and looked up some information on TBI. I found this website that lays it all out in an organized way and makes it easy to find information about it. Check it out!! :)

Keith Jones

I saw this video previously in my SED 104 class, and it amazes me that people have such low expectations for people.  If you do not set high expectations, they will be lazy and won't want to do much with their life! If there are high expectations, they will actually learn.  This is an issue that society as a whole needs to work on.

"Out of my Mind" --- GREAT READ!

I recently read "Out of my Mind" for my library science class. I had no idea what it was about but some of my classmates who were a head of me in their reading kept telling me that it was a great book. Well, I finished it last week and it was indeed a great book! It was a story about Melody, a girl who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. The book was told in first person, through Melody's eyes. She was completely dependent of her family to care for her, she couldn't talk or walk or sit up by herself. Her story is basically about her struggles in school and the discrimination from students AND teachers.

I'm not going to spoil the book because I will encourage everyone to read this book if you're going into Special Education!


I have really enjoyed the past few classes, where we talked about the deaf and blind communities. I find this stuff very interesting!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The end of Thanksgiving break :(

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I can't believe the Fall semester is nearly done!


Thought this was cute. And kind of went along with our lang projects. At least mine, when I sometimes don't know what in the world she's saying to me! Haha

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Are we still going out on Monday?? If so, will we meet at school first?? Just wondering???

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and enjoying their break! Can't believe we only have three weeks left of school and I'll see you guys on Monday!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Everyone have after and safe thanksgiving! See ya Monday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gobble Gobble!

I hope everyone has a great break and Happy Thanksgiving! :)

lang project

Was just checking to see if the language samples have been added on here.. I possibly could be missing them... has anyone seen them :)"

Monday, November 19, 2012

Visual impairment video

The video about visual impairments was precious! It opened my eyes to see how people with disabilities do not have that much of a different lifestyle than I do.  I really enjoyed this video personally!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy your time with your families and eat lots of turkey!  I sure can't wait for it to come! :)

Language Project..

Has the sample projects been added yet? I was wanting to take a look at them to make sure I am proceeding correctly.. Thanks... Will ck back later

Freaking out!!

I went to finish my test just now and I'm getting an error message! This is what it said; Assessment changed since the attempt was started
For reference, the Error ID is dd205394-85c2-48ff-b0de-61f02c12bca8.
Monday, November 19, 2012 9:38:18 AM EST

Anyone else get this? I don't know what to do!! Anybody's help would be appreciated! 

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Here are some translations of the phrase ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ in other languages:
- French-speaking people in North America might wish one another ‘Bonne Action de grâce’ or ‘Joyeux Thanksgiving’. The Canadian French version of Thanksgiving Day is ‘Jour de l’Action de grâce’, and in France it is known as ‘le Jour de Merci Donnant’.
- In Spanish Thanksgiving Day is known as ‘el Día de Acción de Gracias’ and Happy Thanksgiving is ‘¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!’. The festival is also known as ‘Día del Pavo’ (Turkey Day) by Spanish speakers from Latin America living in the USA.
- The Portuguese equivalent for Thanksgiving Day is ‘O Dia de Acção de Graças’ , and for Happy Thanksgiving, ““Feliz (dia de) acção de graças””.
- The German version of Happy Thanksgiving is ‘Herzliche Danksagung’ or ‘Fröhliche Danksagung’ and the day itself is ‘Danksagung’.
- In Danish Thanksgiving Day is ‘Helligdag’ and Happy Thanksgiving is ‘Glædelig Helligdag’.
- In Dutch Thanksgiving Day is ‘Gedenkdagen’ and Happy Thanksgiving is ‘Vrolijke gedenkdagen’.
- In Swedish Thanksgiving Day is ‘Helgdag’ and Happy Thanksgiving is ‘God Helgdag’.
- In Polish Thanksgiving Day is ‘Dzień Dziękczynienia’ or ‘Święto Dziękczynienia’ and Happy Thanksgiving is ‘Święto dziękczynienia’ or ‘Wszystkiego najlepszego z ozkazji Święta Dziękczynienia’.
- In Mandarin Chinese Thanksgiving Day is 感恩節日 [感恩节日] (gănēnjiérì) and Happy Thanksgiving is 感恩節快樂 [感恩节快乐] (gănēnjié kuàilè).
- In Japanese Thanksgiving day is 感謝祭 (kanshasai) and Happy Thanksgiving is感謝祭おめでとう (kanshasai omedetō) or ハッピー感謝祭 (happī kanshasai).

Check Out This Book!

Hi Everyone!
Hopefully these next two days go quickly for everyone and that they are stress free!I was reading a book for my LIB 301 class and it is called Out of my Mind and it is about a little girl named Melody with cerebral palsy and its told from her perspective and is so interesting! Having a family member with cerebral palsy myself, I thought I knew there was all to know about cerebral palsy but this book opened my eyes to a new perspective and how challenging a day in their shoes can really be. It made me laugh, it made me cry and I recommended it to all Special Education majors especially! It is a young adult book and only took me to read so it is definitely a quick but insightful read. I attached a link to amazon for more information on the book, enjoy!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

# 1 and 2 on test

Number 1 and 2 have extra credit next to where you click save answer, are these actually extra credit?

Jesus Prom 2012

I tried to post this last week and I just realized it didn't post. Anyways, I volunteered as an escort on Friday night (11/9) at Jesus Prom and it was the BEST experience ever!! It was so humbling and so exciting and I'm so glad I got to be a part of this experience with them. My date's name was Josh, and he was SO funny and girl crazy. He wouldn't let me away from his side all night. I totally encourage everyone to step out and volunteer next year, you'll love it!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

this might sounds like a stupid question, but for #9, listing 2 learning disabilities. Can they be any kind of learning disabilities or do they need to be what we've discussed recently?

#2 on exam

While it may be lack of sleep...questions one and two are not sinking in at all. I know they aren't hard but I'm just not getting it. Specifically on #2, what do you think she's looking for? Do you think I'm supposed to say something like "the students can use it for listening to books they need to take AR tests on"??


Friday, November 16, 2012

Take a look at the site I posted. This is a key service for ppl who are deaf. The FCC is considering changes that would dramatically alter the way VRS (Video Relay Services) works and put many of the companies that provide this service out of business.

Save my VRS

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guest Speakers

Listening and watching Jenna and Matt was a great experience.  I love ASL. It's relaxing.  After they left we began talking about the cochlear implant and it made me think of one of my favorite movies.  Growing up in house with both of my parents being musicians I've seen this several times. Mr. Hollands opus. He has a son named Cole who becomes deaf, and grow up wanting to be close to his dad but he is to involved with work.  I encourage you to watch this, because you can get a view of how life isn't the same for someone who isn't hearing like you and me.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Where are we supposed to respond to questions one and two? There is no room to type our answers, but the rest of the test is okay. Should we email it?

I loved having the speakers in class the other night. I do not know ASL or any other form of sign lang however it was so interesting being a part of class that night.. Also, I seem to be having anissue dloading my test.. I was wondering if anyone else was???

Monday, November 12, 2012

I absolutely loved the two speakers. Sign language amazes me. I also think that everyone should have the chance to learn it. I loved taking ASL here at eku.

Guest Speaker!

I absolutely loved having Jena and Matt in class tonight!! It made me fall in love with what i want to do even more!!!!! I hope everyone else feels the same!

Dog treats

Website with dog treat brands to avoid. 

Language Project

I have two questions about the language project.  I know we are to record the conversation but do we turn that in? If so I have no idea how.  My second question is can we have a group of three working on this project?  I am working with another girl right now but another girl would like to join our group since she was not there the first night we discussed the project in class.  Thank you! :) 

Guest Speakers

I thought the guest speakers were great tonight! It was very interesting hearing their story and how they made it through school.  It was a great experience. 

Video mentioned in class

This is the video someone in class mentioned about cochlear implants in which one of the ASL teachers shows in the 201 class.


I am so happy that I got the opportunity to hear things from their perspective! It helped me realize how they learn, and it gave me some insight for when I become a teacher.  This was a great experience!

An Interesting Clip from My SED 104 Class

Today in my SED 104 class, I watched a clip about a man who was born deaf that had a cochlear implant at age 5 and how it impacted his language. From his perspective, people who are born deaf  shouldn't need the implant because it destroys their identity and language because they would have to have intense speech therapy for many years and would have difficulty with developing language as a young child. For people that did have hearing, but became deaf later in life or after their language was developed could have the implant because they are likely to understand or grasp the English language or any verbal language easier because they had some form of language developed at a young age versus those who were born deaf. I thought it was an interesting clip, wouldn't anyone else agree?

I am very excited about tonights class, and the two guest speakers that we are having!! I look forward to hearing what they have to say!


I am very excited for class tonight!  I love hearing about the Deaf Culture!  It's a culture completely different than mine and yours and it is just amazing.

Jesus Prom 2012- "Love Boat"

Jesus Prom 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Interesting Article

Hey guys!

I saw on my local news about how early intervention techniques may change the outcomes of a child with autism. I wasn't sure how I  felt about how the article was written, or how autism was portrayed.

What do you guys think?

Thought you all might enjoy this :)

Monday, November 12 - GUESTS

We will have two Deaf Adults, a married couple, joining us in class to share their experiences growing up Deaf and Hard of Hearing.  Read the section in chapter 11 on Deafness to be more prepared to ask questions about their experiences.  Feel free to post ideas and questions here in preparation.

Rude Candy Machine

I went to a store in my hometown this weekend and seen that they had a candy machine that looked to be very old. On the front it stated that all proceeds of the machine go to a foundation for "mentally retarded individuals." I remember we talked about Rosa's Law in class changing that term to "individuals with intellectual disabilities." I thought that it would be best for them to take the sticker off of it or change the label to make it correct. I notice these kinds of things much more than I did before taking this class. Just a thought.


Above I have attached a link to an informative web page that gives a
variety of interactive online whiteboards and activities for children with
special needs. I always enjoy finding interactive games and tutorials for
children with special needs. There is some really neat stuff out there these
days! Enjoy!! :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Langauge Project

If anyone has any tips on the language project I would appreciate it!  I am getting nervous over this thing and probably making it a bigger deal than I should.